各位代表: 中国档案学会自1979年开始筹备,中间经历了筹备时期、第一届理事会(1981~1984)、第二届理事会(1985~1988)三个阶段,至今已整整十个年头。现在第二届理事会也已届满,由于各种原因逾期一年半。在这十年当中,我国档案工作者的学术性群众团体,在国家档案局的指导和资助下,在各有关方面和广大会员的支持下,基本上完成了中国档案学会创建时期提出的各项
Distinguished guests, China Archives Association has been preparing for the first time since 1979 and has gone through three stages: the preparatory period, the first council (1981 to 1984) and the second council (1985 to 1988), and has now enjoyed a full ten years. The second council has now expired, for a variety of reasons more than a year and a half. During these ten years, under the guidance and assistance of the State Archives Bureau, with the support of all relevant parties and members, the academic mass organizations of archivists in our country have basically completed all the proposals made by the China Archives Association