重大决策 国民党兵败大陆,退守台湾、澎湖列岛、金门、马祖后,贼心不死,屡屡出动飞机窜犯大陆,与台湾一水之隔的福建“灾情”最为严重。八闽大地隔三差五便要遭受国民党空军的轰炸。虽然1956年前后,我空军在福建、浙江、粤东地区新建了一批机场,并着手航空兵入闽的准备,但因为种种原因,终未实现。国民党空军利用掌握这一地区制空权的时机,猖狂地将训练空域划到了福建地区上空,以致于当时民间流传着这样一句话:福建的地是共产党的,福建的天是国民党的。
Major Decision After the Kuomintang defeated the Mainland and retreated to Taiwan, the Penghu Islands, Kinmen and Matsu, the KMT repeatedly dispatched planes to the mainland and the “disaster” in Fujian Province, which was separated from Taiwan by water, was the most serious. The land of eight minas was subject to bombing by the Kuomintang air force after a lapse of three years and five. Although around 1956, the PLA Air Force built a number of new airfields in Fujian, Zhejiang and eastern Guangdong and embarked on the preparations for the entry of airmen into Fujian, but it was not realized for various reasons. The Kuomintang Air Force used the opportunity of grasping the air superiority in the region to frenziedly plan the training airspace over the area of Fujian so that there was a popular saying circulating at the time that the land of Fujian was the Communist Party and that of Fujian was the Kuomintang.