小说《喜福会》(The Joy Luck Club)是美籍华裔女作家谭恩美(Amy Tan)的成名作和代表作,作品通过讲述四对美籍华裔母女的故事,反映了作为第一代移民的母亲和第二代移民的女儿之间由于代沟、文化背景和价值观等不同而引起的情感冲突。小说从出版至今,一直受到华人文学界和美国文学界的高度关注和广泛研究。但是对于小说的语言功能,却很少有人触及。本文试图运用系统功能语言学的语域理论,对小说《喜福会》中的语码转换现象进行研究,探究其语言功能。
The Joy Luck Club, a famous Chinese American writer and masterpiece by Amy Tan, tells the story of four Chinese-American mothers and their daughters as the first generation of immigrants Emotional conflicts between mothers and daughters of second-generation immigrants due to differences in culture, culture and values. Since its publication, novels have been highly concerned and extensively studied by the Chinese literary world and American literary world. But few are touched on the language function of the novel. This thesis attempts to use the Register Theory of Systemic Functional Linguistics to study the code-switching phenomenon in The Joy Luck Club and explore its linguistic functions.