国务院《行政区域界线管理条例》刚刚颁布实施,内蒙古自治区民政厅发起组织召开了内蒙与周边省区界线管理座谈会。会议的主题是研究如何贯彻落实《行政区域界线管理条例》、管好行政区域界线。与内蒙古自治区毗邻的 8个省、自治区民政厅(勘界办)的同志参加了会议。民政部区划地名司司长戴均良特意出席会议并讲话。戴均良的讲话可以说是对《行政区域界线管理条例》的一个诠释和点评,对于维护有关双方边界地带的稳定,促进有关双方的睦邻友好关系具有积极的指导作用。现予以发表,供大家参考。
The State Council “Administrative District Boundary Management Ordinance” has just promulgated and implemented, Inner Mongolia Civil Affairs Department initiated the organization and held in Inner Mongolia and the surrounding provinces and autonomous regions border management forum. The theme of the conference is to study how to implement the “Regulations on Administrative Boundaries” and manage the boundaries of administrative areas. Comrades from 8 provinces and autonomous regional civil affairs offices (demarcation offices) adjacent to Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region attended the meeting. Dai Junliang, director of division and names division of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, specially attended the meeting and made a speech. Dai Junliang’s speech can be regarded as an interpretation and comment on the “Regulations on Administrative Boundaries”, which has a positive guiding role in safeguarding the stability of the border areas between the two sides and promoting the good-neighborly and friendly relations between the two sides. Now to be published for your reference.