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建国之初,我国传统意义上的社区居(村)委会的治理或管理雏形已彰显出某种“自治”的理念及实践,但随着建国后几十年来政治生态的嬗变,社区居(村)委会转而更多表现出类似具有国家行政机关运作程式的浓厚色彩的基层类“行政组织”。而居(村)委会行政化的性质对于居(村)委会的善治而言,无疑会产生一定的不良影响。本研究采用Logistic回归分析和多元回归分析方法,探讨居(村)委会的善治程度与社区居民参与社区志愿服务的意愿之间的互动关系,进而对如何促进居(村)委会的善治与居民社区志愿精神成长与培育之间良性互动关系逐渐形成的路径加以反思。本研究今后将通过扩大调研城市的数量和异质性,进一步测量和分析中国不同城市的居(村)委会的善治程度与社区居民参与社区志愿服务的意愿之间的互动关系。 At the beginning of the founding of New China, the governance or management prototype of the community-based (village) committee in our country has shown some idea and practice of “autonomy”. However, with the change of political ecology after the founding of the People’s Republic, Habitat (village) committees turned more to the thick grassroots “administrative organizations” that resembled those with the operating procedures of state administration. However, the administrative nature of the Habitat (Village) Committee undoubtedly will have some adverse effects on the good governance of the Habitat (Village) Committee. This study uses Logistic regression analysis and multiple regression analysis to explore the interaction between the degree of good governance of community (village) committees and the willingness of community residents to participate in community volunteer service, and then discusses how to promote the good governance of the village committee Residents community volunteer spirit growth and nurture the positive interaction between the gradual formation of the path to be reflected. In the future, this study will further measure and analyze the interaction between the degree of good governance of Habitat (village) committees in different cities in China and the willingness of community residents to participate in community volunteering by expanding the number and heterogeneity of cities under investigation.