G63 AMG纵然跋山越岭,亦可如履平地,这就是33岁的G级硬派越野车的真实写照,依然保持着那份对硬派越野的执着。作为G级家族顶级成员,G级AMG车型拥有经典刚猛的外形以及无可匹敌的越野性能,以最为纯粹的驾驶体验,深受青睐,其结实强悍的品质值得相守。梅赛德斯-奔驰品牌旗下高性能车型AMG品牌以追求极致驾驶体验,崇尚卓越品质为世人称道。依旧是笔直的腰身曲线,方正的外形
G63 AMG even if the heel, can be as flat, this is the 33-year-old G-class hardcore SUV true portrayal, still maintained the share of persistent hardcore off-road. As a top member of the G-class family, G-Class AMG models have a classic formidable shape and unmatched off-road performance, with the most pure driving experience, favored, its strong tough qualities worthy of. Mercedes-Benz brand AMG brand of high-performance cars in pursuit of the ultimate driving experience, advocating excellence for the praise of the world. Is still straight waist curve, Founder’s shape