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中午一个人游荡在马路上,足下是脚踏板,喉咙里是周杰伦的歌。我已经绕着以自己家为中心、以800米为半径铺开的圆里骑了15个圈了。思想上的“固不可彻”让我执著地信服,这样,就是所谓的离家出走。肚子饥饿难耐,我开始琢磨离家出走的理由,先前那坚定的信念被食欲动摇着。大概是早上和妈妈吵架了吧,又可能是老师上课批评了我,又或者是我已经预支了下个月的零用钱……我想着想着,又一次绕到了起点。 At noon, one person wandered on the road, followed by a foot pedal and Jay Chou’s song in his throat. I’ve been riding around 15 circles in my circle centered around my home and rolled out in a radius of 800 meters. The ideological “inseparable” makes me persistently convinced that this is the so-called runaway. With hunger hungry, I began to ponder the reasons for leaving home. The previous firm belief was shaken by appetite. It was probably an arguing with my mother in the morning. It may be that the teacher criticized me in class, or that I had already prepaid the pocket money for the next month... I thought about it, and once again reached the starting point.
中国人经过四代人的努力,终于成功地奔向太空了! 在成功的今天,我们不能忘记十年前我国就确定了航天“三步走”的发展战略。十多年来。在党中央、中央军委的领导下,经过广大
脆脆的足音目日如约而来花瓣如纤纤手指抚摸寂寂的旅程隐隐的风挂在向晚的枝上静静聆听无悔的青春足音@欧智祯 The crunchy foot sounds like the arrival of petals, such
How do you like to go up in a swing,Up in the air si blue?Oh,I do think it the pleasantest thingEven a child can do!Up in the air and over the wall,Till I can
你一个接着一个向岸边涌来每一个都被礁石撞成碎沫,散开……你遍体鳞伤却似乎并不疼痛仍然含着微笑看着岸边向着心中的目标奔涌而来…… One by one you came to the shore
在那株树孤独的影子里,你们曾彼此用纵横交错织满渴望的眼神,细细品味对方,然后相约走进山背后那片青苹果园。 昨天的回忆已如远方白茫茫的一片,无法触摸。于是,你和树就这样
The Little Old Woman had only one blan-ket for her bed. It was a nice red flannel blan-ket,but it was full of holes.“I must get a newblanket before winter com