【目的】鉴定龙爪槐枝干溃疡病的病原菌。【方法】采用组织分离法从龙爪槐枝干溃疡病病枝获得疑似病原菌,并通过野外致病性测定该病原菌,结合该病原菌的形态学特征、r DNA-ITS和EF-α基因序列分析,进行病原菌的种类鉴定。【结果】完成了F6菌株致病性分析的科赫法则实验,证实了其致病性;鉴定该菌为腐皮镰孢菌复合种[Fusarium solani species complex(FSSC)]。【结论】腐皮镰孢菌复合种(FSSC)为引起龙爪槐枝干溃疡病的病原菌。
【Objective】 Identification of the pathogen of dry claw ulcer disease. 【Method】 Tissue isolation method was used to obtain the suspected pathogenic bacteria from the stems of the dry ulcer disease in the roots of Longjiaohuai branches. The pathogenicity of the pathogenic bacteria was tested in the field. Combined with the morphological characteristics of the pathogenic bacteria, the sequence analysis of r DNA-ITS and EF-α , The type of pathogen identification. 【Result】 The results of Koch’s law experiment of pathogenicity analysis of F6 strain confirmed its pathogenicity. The strain was identified as Fusarium solani species complex (FSSC). 【Conclusion】 The Fusarium graminearum complex (FSSC) is the pathogen that causes the stem-ulcer disease of Longjiaohuai.