If you want to work performance in the workplace so that all people look at each other, it must have superb working ability. However, the ability to work is not necessarily able to do a good job. You also need to be aware of the five types of people in your career that are helpful to your career: first, mentor, coaching. He taught you practical skills, a certain work experience, though not knowledge, but it can give you directions. This person may be your boss, predecessor, seniors. The second, sparring, fellow travelers, anybody’s growth is not learned, but learning and learning, practice and practice out. This training process is a very bitter process, which is a repetitive and repetitive repetition of a series of simple actions and a process of changing from quantitative to qualitative. In the process, a person is difficult to persevere, then you need to be a fellow. He can be a friend with whom you have a common interest, a common goal, preferably the one you love in your life.