为评价木霉Trichoderma spp.厚垣孢子可湿性粉剂的储存性能及应用效果,河北省科学院生物研究所、河北工业大学化工学院研究人员采用稀释涂平板法,测定了保存过程中木霉Tr-92分生孢子和厚垣孢子可湿性粉剂的存活率以及在黄瓜叶片上的定殖能力,并采用盆栽试验法比较了2种木霉制剂对黄瓜灰霉病的防效。结果表明,木霉厚垣孢子制剂贮存
To evaluate the storage performance and application effects of Trichoderma spp. Chlamydospore wettable powder, the Institute of Biology, Hebei Academy of Sciences, Institute of Chemical Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, using dilution plate method, was measured during storage Trichoderma Tr-92 The survival rate of conidia and chlamydospore wettable powder and the colonization ability of cucumber leaves. The control effect of two species of Trichoderma on cucumber gray mold was compared by pot experiment. The results showed that the Trichoderma chlamydospore preparation was stored