澧县隶属湖南省北部常德市,地交湘鄂两省六县市,此次项目干预点澧阳镇是县政府所在地,县城规划面积33平方公里,建成区面积12平方公里,实际常住人口达16万多人。该镇市场繁荣,娱乐场所较多,日人口流动量达数万人,人们消费在湖南省县级属中上水平。 我国政府对商业性性交易一贯实行严打政策,但客观上又不可否认在许多娱乐场所仍存在地下商业性性交易活动,由于这种性行为的高危性,致使性病感染率居高不下,艾滋病感染与传播的危险性增大。我国各级政府对艾滋病防制工作高度重视,而使用安全套预防性病艾滋病是目前有效,经济和简便的方法。 1999年世界卫生组织(WHO)与国家卫生部在武汉市黄陂区和江苏省靖江市娱乐场所开展100%使用安全套项目(简称100%CPU)试点工作,取得了可借鉴的经验。
Juxian County is under the jurisdiction of Changde City in the north of Hunan Province and delivers to six counties and cities in Hunan and Hubei Provinces. The project intervention point Jiyang Town is the seat of county government. The planned area of the county is 33 square kilometers and the built-up area is 12 square kilometers. The actual resident population More than 160,000 people. The town has a prosperous market and many entertainment places with a daily population of tens of thousands of people. People spend at the middle and upper reaches of the county level in Hunan Province. Our government has always pursued a strict crackdown on commercial sex transactions. However, it is undeniable that it is undeniable that there are still underground commercial sex activities in many entertainment venues. Due to the high risk of such sexual behaviors, the rate of STD infection is high, and AIDS infections And the danger of spreading increases. The governments at all levels in our country attach great importance to AIDS prevention and control. Condom use to prevent STD and AIDS is an effective, economical and convenient method. In 1999, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health piloted the 100% condom use project (100% CPU) in Huangpi District of Wuhan City and Jingjiang City of Jiangsu Province, gaining experience for reference.