近日,伴随初冬的脚步,“玛莎拉蒂1000”在风景秀丽的大理开启了为期7天的拉力之旅。来自全国各地的车主和媒体组成了这支壮观的拉力车队,一路驾驶着奢华优雅的Quattroporte总裁轿车,激情动感的GranTurismo跑车,浪漫阳光的GranCabrio敞篷跑车和轻盈灵动的Ghibli轿车,穿越大理、沙溪、丽江、塔城,最终抵达香格里拉。“玛莎拉蒂1000”的命名灵感来自著名国际赛车比赛Mille Miglia一千英里挑战赛。这个源于意大利的传奇赛事蕴含了各个赛车时代最浪漫而美丽的故事,经过百年历史的洗礼,如今玛莎拉蒂
Recently, with the beginning of winter, “Maserati 1000 ” in the scenic Dali opened a 7-day rally trip. Cars and media from across the country make up this spectacular rally team, driving the luxurious Quattroporte president sedan, the passionate GranTurismo sports car, the romantic Sunshine GranCabrio roadster and the light and agile Ghibli sedan across Dali, Shaxi , Lijiang, Tacheng, eventually arrived in Shangri-La. “Maserati 1000 ” is named after the 1,000-mile Challenge at the Mille Miglia. This originated in Italy’s legendary race contains the most romantic and beautiful story of all racing era, after a century of baptism, and now Maserati