The site of Changchun Tang is located in the historical district of Nantanghe, Haishu District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province (Figure 1). It connects South Suburb in the southeast with Nantang River in the north and Yongshui Bridge in the southwest. January 2011 to April, Ningbo Institute of Cultural Relics and Archeology to cooperate with the Nantang River historic district I project construction rescue archaeological discovery and excavation. Excavation based on topographical features of cloth 5 × 10 m 2, the direction of the probe 320 °, from southwest to northeast were numbered T1, T2, respectively, due to excavation needs were expanded, the total excavation area of 300 square meters . A brief report on the excavations will now be made. First, the accumulation of excavation shows that Changchun Tong legacy