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一日清晨,医院急诊室来了一位42岁的中年男子,他弯腰屈腿,神情十分痛苦。原来昨天夜里,该男子饭饱酒醉之后,强行与妻子性交,妻子抗拒时以手推挡其阴茎。突然间,听到“叭”的一声响,醉汉顿觉阴茎剧烈疼痛,勃起状态消失,同时,阴茎弯曲并迅速肿胀,出现排尿困难,进而不能排尿。折腾了一晚,不见好转,只好到医院急诊。大夫检查时发现其阴茎、阴囊都明显肿胀,皮色青紫,有明显触痛,诊断为阴茎折断。医生嘱咐其立即住院,手术治疗。手术时医生发现,此病人双侧阴茎海绵体白膜有长达7厘米的裂口,海绵体严重裂伤,尿道断裂。经做白膜缝合、尿道吻合术,12天后痊愈,排尿通畅;两周后,阴茎勃起有力,无弯曲。 Early in the morning, a 42-year-old middle-aged man came to the hospital’s emergency room. He bent his knees and looked very painful. It turned out that last night, the man was drunk with food, forcibly intercourse with his wife, his wife refused to hand block the penis. Suddenly, when I heard the sound of “H”, the drunk man felt severe pain in the penis and the erection state disappeared. At the same time, the penis was bent and rapidly swollen with the difficulty of urinating and urination. Toss for a night, no improvement, had to go to the hospital emergency room. The doctor found that the penis, scrotum were significantly swollen, skin bruising, there are obvious tenderness, the diagnosis of penile fracture. The doctor asked her to be hospitalized immediately and underwent surgery. The doctor found during surgery, the patient bilateral penile cavernous albuginea as long as 7 cm of the gap, severe cavernous laceration, urethral rupture. After doing the white film suture, urethral anastomosis, 12 days after healed, voiding patency; two weeks later, penile erection strong, no bending.
A new design of reconfigurable single-feed circular patch microstrip antenna for dual-band circular polarization application is proposed. The dual-band functio
本研究旨在查明氟化物对不同性别白兔某些组织中糖元代谢的影响。材料和方法将白兔分成6组,每组12只。对照组给予蒸馏水1ml/kg 体重,实验组分别注射氟化钠5、10、20、50mg/k
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