
来源 :上海预防医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heavenlast
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原发性肝癌是我国常见恶性肿瘤之一。其标化死亡率在各种恶性肿瘤中居第三位,仅次于胃癌与食管癌。肝癌在我国东南沿海一带尤为高发。上海适居高发地带的中心,每年因患肝癌而死亡的人数几近三千人,严重危害国家建设与人民生命健康。肝癌曾长期被视为诊断困难、治疗无法的绝症,但近二、三十年来肝癌的诊断和治疗都有了长足进步。本刊编辑部特邀请上海医科大学肝癌研究所等单位的有关肝癌防治专家,举行原发性肝癌的诊断治疗与预防笔谈会,向广大读者介绍这方面的基本情况和进展。 Primary liver cancer is one of the common malignant tumors in our country. The standardization of mortality in a variety of malignant tumors in the third place, second only to gastric cancer and esophageal cancer. Liver cancer is particularly high in the southeastern coast of China. The number of deaths from liver cancer in Shanghai, the center of high-risk areas in Shanghai, amounts to nearly 3,000, which seriously jeopardizes the nation’s construction and people’s lives and health. Liver cancer has long been regarded as difficult diagnosis and treatment of incurable diseases, but in the past two to three decades, diagnosis and treatment of liver cancer have made great strides. Our editorial department specially invited Shanghai Liver Cancer Institute of Shanghai Medical University and other units on the prevention and treatment of liver cancer experts to hold a diagnosis and treatment of primary liver cancer and the prevention of the forum to introduce the readers to the basic situation and progress in this regard.
组合的生命力贵在独一无二的个性角色,四位身高相当、身材标准的帅哥一面对镜头,立刻展现出截然不同的气质。老大钟凯成熟稳重、处乱不惊,指挥着队员们好好站位;POSE 达人巫
1982年我区首次在灵川县报告有流行性出血热(简称 EHF)病例,并证实黑线姬鼠、褐家鼠携带 EHF 病原,由中国医科院流行病研究所协助,分离出病毒。以后相继发生。几年来,对全区