进行果树叶片矿质营养分析,了解叶片矿质营养含量,用元素含量标准值来评断植株各种元素的盈亏,从而指导施肥实践,已成为果树商品生产不可缺少的重要措施。 1984年,1987年我们对荔枝叶、果部分营养进行了初步分析,现小结如下。材料与方法供试品种大造(14年生),采样地点:广西平南县官成荔枝场。在树冠外围中部四个方位,选生长正常花量中等的结果母枝(上年二次秋梢)采叶,从顶端计采第二、三片复叶中的第三、四片小叶,共4张,每株100张叶,重复四次,树势中庸,采叶时间:1984、4、2。样品用0.1%海鸥洗净剂洗涤30秒后清水洗净,凉干。分析:N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Zn、Mn、Cu、Fe、B、还原糖。
Analyzing the mineral nutrition of leaf of fruit tree, understanding the content of mineral nutrition in leaves and using the standard value of element content to evaluate the profit and loss of various elements of the plant, so as to guide the fertilization practice has become an indispensable and important measure for the production of fruit trees. 1984, 1987, we conducted a preliminary analysis of litchi leaf, fruit nutrition, are summarized as follows. MATERIALS AND METHODS The varieties of the tested cultivars (14 years old) were sampled at Guancheng litchi farm in Pingnan County, Guangxi. In the middle of the outer periphery of the canopy, the middle part of the canopy was selected and the average number of normal mid-growth flower shoots (the second autumn shoots of the previous year) was taken from the top. The third and fourth leaflets of the second and third leaves were counted from the top 4, 100 leaves per plant, repeated four times, moderate tree vigor, harvest time: 1984,4,2. Samples were washed with 0.1% Seagull detergent for 30 seconds and then washed with water and dried. Analysis: N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Mn, Cu, Fe, B, reducing sugars.