现代水文预报中,常常对流量过程各个部分均有较高的模拟要求.而降雨-径流水文模型在特定目标函数下只能对流量过程的某个特定部分(如高水流量部分或者低水流量部分)做出较好模拟.如果选用恰当的综合方案对不同目标函数下率定出的模型的模拟结果进行综合,则有望获得对整个流量过程都有较好模拟效果的模拟系列,基于ANFIS(adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference system)综合平台,对分别在高水目标函数和低水目标函数下用SCE-UA算法率定的新安江模型的模拟结果进行综合,获得了综合模拟系列,在整个流量过程上对实测流量系列都能进行较好的模拟,并较大程度地提高了模拟精度.
In modern hydrological forecasting, the simulation requirements are always high for all parts of the flow process, while the rainfall-runoff hydrological model can only simulate a specific part of the flow process (such as high water flow part or low water flow Part) to make a better simulation.If we select the appropriate comprehensive program to simulate the model under different objective function, it is expected to obtain the simulation series that has better simulation results for the whole flow process.And based on ANFIS ( The simulation results of Xin’anjiang model calibrated with SCE-UA algorithm under the high water objective function and the low water objective function are respectively integrated to obtain the comprehensive simulation series. The flow process on the measured flow series can be a better simulation, and to a greater extent to improve the simulation accuracy.