Innovation and adaptability will be the driving force behind the industry’s evolutionn

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  Editor’s note: To Albert Aoun, Chairman of IFP Group & UFI MEA Chapter Chair, it is crucial for exhibitions to be responsive and adaptable to everchanging landscapes, especially in a post-pandemic world. In a postpandemic age, innovation and adaptability will be the driving force behind the industry’s evolution, trade fair organizers will be incorporating parallel virtual elements and online tools to provide more flexibility and convenience for exhibitors and attendees alike.
  Please briefly introduce the business and core value of IFP Group.
  IFP Group is the leading trade fair and event organizer that has been operating in the MENA region for more than 40 years. With operations spanning Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, UAE, Qatar, Egypt, Iraq and Oman, we have proudly staged more than 500 B2B and B2C exhibitions and conferences to date. We have also recently ventured into East Africa with new exhibitions in Ethiopia and Rwanda.
  Our trade fairs and conferences cover a wide scope of sectors ranging from Construction, Energy, and Industry, to Agro-Food, Hospitality, Luxury, and Healthcare, to name a few, to build bridges and connect businesses from around the globe to genuine and timely opportunities in various markets.
  What do you think are the features of the MENA MICE industry? Currently what are the local government regulations for the industry and the situation of the exhibitions?
  I believe the MENA MICE industry is a catalyst to local and regional economies and an indispensable commercial bridge between the East and the West. I am confident that the MICE industry will be a major pillar of economic recovery post the COVID-19 crisis, providing a Launchpad for new projects, trade agreements, commercial activity, and engagement with the international community, as well as supporting complementary economic sectors.
  UFI has been working closely with the World Health Organization and local authorities across the region to devise a framework for the return of exhibitions within a safe and controlled environment that governs the highest standards of safety and hygiene for exhibitors and visitors. Several countries in the region like UAE, Qatar, and Oman and more recently Egypt and Rwanda have expressed readiness to re-launch exhibitions with strict safety measures which I believe will be the new norm from now on.
  For Chinese exhibitors, what do you think are the industry sectors in the region that present good opportunities?   The region presents a myriad of export, trade and investment opportunities across several industries and sectors. I think Construction, Interiors, Electrical Engineering, Energy, Logistics, Oil & Gas and Agriculture are on top of the list. Each country in the MENA region offers its own unique opportunities that Chinese businesses can benefit from. Also, emerging projects in the region complement China’s Belt and Road Initiative. In addition, guests can register on our company website for our free webinars, which is providing attendees direct insights from regional and international speakers on the hot topics taking place during our events going forward.
  From the organizers point of view, what do you think are the key for successful trade shows? How do you see the role of online elements?
  Successful trade shows provide genuine business opportunities and bring together the right people. Moreover, it is crucial for exhibitions to be responsive and adaptable to ever-changing landscapes. This has been especially evident during the Coronavirus outbreak which has shifted the dynamics of our industry. Innovation is key! Social distancing and lockdowns stimulated virtual exhibitions, webinars and online B2B meetings and these will remain as added-value tools to benefit from even after business normalcy is established. However, I am a staunch believer in the effectiveness of the face to face strength of trade fairs.
  In a post-Pandemic world, the whole industry sharing resources and facing challenges together has become ever more important. What do you think will be the new trends in our industry? What are your plan as the newly elected UFI MEA Chapter Chair to further promote local exhibition industry development?
  As I have mentioned earlier, innovation and adaptability will be the driving force behind the industry’s evolution. Although face-to-face meetings are irreplaceable, trade fair organizers will be incorporating parallel virtual elements and online tools to provide more flexibility and convenience for exhibitors and attendees alike.
  I’m honored to be chairing the UFI MENA Chapter this year and I will continue to lobby for the importance of the exhibitions industry as a key contributor to local, regional, and international economic growth, bringing new projects and market demands to light and showcasing investment opportunities.
  Have you been to China for exhibition trips? How do you comment on the development of the Chinese exhibition industry?
  I have visited China few times in the past to meet with chambers of commerce and export promotion agencies. My last trip was to the UFI congress in Shanghai, where I have witnessed the gigantic growth in China’s trade fair capabilities, whether from the very impressive new venues built in every major region, to the strong organizers growing year on year.
  What do you enjoy most about the exhibition industry? Do you have any advice for MICE professionals especially young people to succeed in the industry?
  I enjoy most meeting different people from around the word all year long. Our industry is connectivity, networking and expansion beyond borders. The exhibitions industry brings professionals that are worlds apart, from different backgrounds and specialization, under one roof. I advise young professionals in the MICE industry to keep growing their skillset and know-how and become agents of change to meet the challenges of tomorrow.
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