思想政治工作能否得到加强和取得实效,关键在于是否真正有所改革和创新。这就是,要注重研究市场经济条件下社会成员思想活动的规律,有针对性、有说服力地回答和解决人们关注的现实问题,努力增强思想政治工作的时代性、实效性和彻底性。实践表明,只有注重改革和创新,彻底摒弃那种脱离实际的空洞说教,思想政治工作才能真正入心、入脑,调动起人民群众的积极性,转化为强大的社会生产力。 马克思和恩格斯指出:“意识在任何时候都只能是被意识到了的存在,而人们的存在就是他们的现实
Whether or not the ideological and political work can be strengthened and its effectiveness achieved depends on whether there is any real reform or innovation. That is, we should pay attention to studying the laws governing the ideological and political activities of members of the society under market economy conditions, answer and solve the real problems that people are concerned with in a targeted and persuasive manner, and strive to enhance the times, effectiveness and thoroughness of ideological and political work. Practice shows that only by focusing on reform and innovation and completely abandoning the kind of empty preaching that departs from reality can ideological and political work really get to the heart and mobilize the enthusiasm of the people and transform it into a powerful social productive force. Marx and Engels pointed out: "Consciousness can at any time only be aware of the existence of people’s existence is their reality