我市7个县(区、市)碘缺乏病供碘防治于1987~1989年全面通过省级基本控制考核验收,并一直坚持全民推广供应碘盐为主的防治措施.然而,由于近些年来时常受到非碘盐的冲击,致使我市部分县(市)的碘缺乏病病情回升.为探索新形势下防治碘缺乏病的有效措施,指导碘缺乏病防治工作,1995~1996年选取我市上杭县一小学的8~10岁儿童,进行辅服碘油胶丸(简称碘丸)1 年防治效果观察.1 材料与方法1.1 观察对象 选择上杭县碘盐供应较差的才溪小学8~10岁学生120名(各年龄男女各20名),观察至1年时实际为118名.1.2 观察指标及检查方法 甲状腺肿按国际三度触诊法进行检查.取观察对象家中现用碘盐,采用直接滴定法检测,规定盐碘(碘离子)≥20mg/Kg为合格.取随机一次尿样15ml装于玻璃试管中,冷藏保存,用
The iodine deficiency disease prevention and treatment for iodine deficiency disorders in 7 counties (districts and cities) in our city passed the examination and acceptance of the provincial basic control from 1987 to 1989 and has always insisted on the promotion and supply of iodized salt-based prevention and control measures throughout the whole country. However, in recent years Often from the impact of non-iodized salt, resulting in some counties in our city (iodine deficiency disease) rise in order to explore the new situation under the prevention and treatment of iodine deficiency disorders effective measures to guide the prevention and treatment of iodine deficiency disorders, selected from 1995 to 1996 Shanghang primary primary school children aged 8 to 10, supplemented with auxiliary iodized oil capsules (iodine pills) 1-year prevention and control effect observations.1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Observation Object Selection Shanghang County iodized salt poor supply Caixi Primary School 8 to 10-year-old students 120 (20 men and women of all ages), the actual observation was 1 to 118. 1.2 Observations and methods of examination Thyroiditis according to international third palpation method to take the observation object home Iodized salt, using direct titration test, the provisions of salt iodine (iodide ion) ≥ 20mg / Kg as a pass. Take a random sample of 15ml urine in a glass tube, refrigerated, with