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通过对铁路铸钢火车整体车轮进行磁粉检测的理论分析和实际操作的简要介绍 ,阐明车轮表面缺陷的检出不但与磁化系统有直接关系 ,而且裂纹的埋藏深度、走向、深宽比等对裂纹的检出也有直接影响。 Through the theoretical analysis and practical introduction of magnetic particle testing of the whole wheel of railway cast steel train, it is clarified that the detection of wheel surface defects is not only directly related to the magnetization system, but also the depth, direction, The detection also has a direct impact.
The joint block diagonalization algorithm is instrumental to the convolution blind signal separation.However,the nonorthogonal joint block diagonalization algor
通过对薄板角接焊缝内的体积型缺陷和面积型缺陷的检测试验 ,阐述了角接焊缝数字超声检测的方法 ,以及各种探头的技术参数的确定 ,从而得出此种探测方法用于实际薄板角接焊缝
As a promising technique,sparse coding can be widely used for representation,compression,denoising and separation of signals.This technique has been introduced
针对异径钢管焊接接头几何形状复杂 ,所形成的“T、K、Y”形节点相贯焊缝超声检测相对困难 ,国内目前尚无相应标准。探讨了利用 GB1 1 345 - 89对相贯焊缝进行检测的可行性 (
【摘 要】在大型国企改革进入攻坚阶段,企业员工思想状况和心理状况处于剧烈变化之中,对此企业政工干部应从“致知”、“致情”、“致信”、“致行”四个方面来开展思想政治工作,为大型国有企业的改革不断推向深入和发展提供强大的思想动力和保障。  【关键词】国企改革;政工干部;思想政治工作;“四致”作用  政工干部在大型国企中起着“思想稳定器”的重要作用,作为大型国企职工思想政治工作最重要的“稳定器”,政工干
We propose a new variational model to reduce the staircase that often appears in Total variation(TV) based models in image denoising.The model uses BV-seminorm and Besov-seminorm to measure the piecew
Catering to the public nature of Ad hoc network in open channel and data communication being easily eavesdropped,this paper proposed an antieavesdropping algori