为了确保各计量检定机构量值的准确统一,加强我市与周边地区的技术交流,按照苏州市质量技术监督局下达的2016年比对任务,由苏州市计量测试研究所为主导实验室,对苏州市内县级计量技术机构中建有大口径气体流量计检定装置的实验室进行装置比对,有1家苏州周边地区市级计量技术机构报名,共有5家实验室参与比对。比对结果 4家实验室满意,1家实验室不满意,对于比对中发现了一些问题,文中也给了一些建议。
In order to ensure the accuracy and unity of the measurement agencies, and strengthen the city and the surrounding areas of technical exchanges, in accordance with the Suzhou Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision issued in 2016 than the task, Suzhou Institute of Metrology as the leading laboratory, right Suzhou city county-level metrology technical institutions built large-caliber gas flowmeter calibration device for device comparison, there is a surrounding area of Suzhou measurement technology institutions to register, a total of 5 laboratories to participate in comparison. The results of the four laboratories satisfied, a laboratory is not satisfied, for the comparison found some problems, the article also gave some suggestions.