1637年初,四卫拉特联盟远征青海,消灭了喀尔喀部绰克图台吉(coγtu tayiji,1581—1637年)势力。1637-1639年间,大批卫拉特人自准噶尔故地迁居青海,将十六世纪初以来由东蒙古势力所控制的青海地区纳入自己的统治之下,成为青海卫拉特。这一历史事件可称之为“卫拉特南迁”。但卫拉特的南迁活动并没有就此结束。1639年,和硕特部首领固始汗(güüsi qaγan,1582—1654)率青海卫拉特联军进攻东部藏区,1640年末消灭康区(khams)统治者白利土司,征服了多康六岗(mdo khams sgang drug)。1641年,固始汗继续挺进西藏本土打击后藏王,次年年初推翻藏巴汗(gtsang rgyal)王朝,固始汗被推举为全藏区之王。新
In early 1637, the four-imperialistic coalition expedition to Qinghai eradicated the forces of coγtu tayiji (1581-1637) in the Khalqati. From 1637 to 1639, a large number of Oirats moved to Qinghai from their former hometown of Zungar, bringing Qinghai under the control of East Mongol forces since the beginning of the 16th century under their own control to become the Oirat of Qinghai. This historical event can be described as “Nailate south move ”. However, the southern migration of Oirat did not end there. In 1639, the leader of the Khotan sector, güüsi qaγan (1582-1654), attacked eastern Tibetan areas with the Oirat forces of Qinghai Autonomous Region and destroyed the baili toast of khams rulers in late 1640, conquering the mokdo khams sgang drug). In 1641, Gushi Khan continued to push Tibet to fight after the latter’s occupation of Tibet, and at the beginning of the next year to overthrow the gtsang rgyal dynasty. Gushi Khan was elected as the king of all Tibet. new