198 7年 4月 ,安县塔水镇峨嵋村三组发现两座砖室墓 ,安县文教局、安县文管所和绵阳市博物馆得知消息后 ,当即组织清理发掘小组赶赴现场进行了抢救性清理 ,并收回了出土的全部文物。两座墓的编号为 M1、M2。从现场看 ,这两座墓的结构、形制、方向 ,墓室大小完全相同 ,均为单室?
1987. In April 2007, two brick tomb buildings were found in the three groups of Emei Village, Taishui Town, An County. After hearing of the news, An County Cultural and Education Bureau, Wen County Civil Administration Office and Mianyang City Museum immediately organized a rescue and excavation team to the scene for rescue and clean-up , And recovered all the artifacts unearthed. The two tombs are numbered M1 and M2. From the scene, the two tomb structure, shape, direction, tomb exactly the same size, are single room?