先进文化,就是符合社会历史发展,体现社会生产力发展要求,反映时代发展潮流的文化。落后文化,就是随着社会历史的发展,对生产力的发展已不能起促进作用的文化。文化属于意识形态领域,判断先进文化和落后文化的标准是其是否对生产力的发展起促进作用或阻碍作用。 我国是一个历史文化悠久的国家,有着几千年文明的历史。勤劳的中华民族,在历史上曾创造了领先于世界各国的灿烂文化。中华民族发明的造纸术、印刷术、指南针和火药,相继传往世界各地,对于世
Advanced culture is a culture that meets the requirements of social and historical development, reflects the requirements of the development of social productive forces, and reflects the development trend of the times. Backward culture is the culture that, with the development of social history, can no longer contribute to the development of the productive forces. Culture belongs to the field of ideology. The criteria for judging advanced culture and backward culture are whether it can promote or retard the development of the productive forces. Our country is a country with a long history and culture and has a history of thousands of years of civilization. The industrious Chinese nation has created a splendid culture ahead of other countries in the world in history. Chinese inventions of papermaking, printing, compass and gunpowder, have been sent to all over the world, for the world