一、中国挖掘机械行业整体情况及特点(1)基本情况2016年1—10月,在中国投资生产挖掘机械的企业共销售挖掘机56 746台(含出口),同比涨幅10.9%;其中,国内市场销售50 882台,同比涨幅10.0%;出口市场销售5 864台,同比涨幅20.0%,市场回暖趋势明显,如图1所示。随着“一带一路”等国际化发展战略的深化落实,国内挖掘机械企业应抓住机遇,努力打入海外市场。目前,三一重机、徐工、柳工、中联重科、恒立液压、潍柴等企业在美国、德国、荷兰、波兰、奥地利、巴西、印度和印尼等多个国家实现收购或建厂,国际化成果显著。出口销量显示,挖掘机械企业的
I. Overall Situation and Characteristics of China’s Excavating Machinery Industry (1) Basic Information From January to October 2016, 56 746 excavators (including exporters) were sold in China for investment in excavation machinery, representing an increase of 10.9% over the same period of last year. Among them, Market sales of 50,882 units, an increase of 10.0%; export market sales of 5 864 units, an increase of 20.0%, the market rebound evident, as shown in Figure 1. With the deepening of the international development strategy such as the Belt and Road initiative, domestic mining machinery enterprises should seize the opportunity and strive to penetrate overseas markets. At present, Sany Heavy Machinery, XCMG, Liugong, Zoomlion, Hengli Hydraulic, Weichai and other enterprises in the United States, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Austria, Brazil, India and Indonesia and other countries to achieve the acquisition or construction Internationalization has achieved remarkable results. Export sales show that mining machinery business