考点:地球自转的速度与正午太阳高度1.下图中,横坐标表示地球自转线速度,纵坐标表示不同纬度4地点某日的正午太阳高度。读图回答下列问题。(1)图中a、b、c、d 4地按纬度由高到低的排列顺序是A.a-b-c-d B.a-b-d-cC.d-c-a-b D.e-d-b-a(2)图中a、b、c、d四个地点,全年昼夜平分的是____,可能出现极昼或极夜现象的是____。(3)若此时地球位于远日点附近,则图中b、d两地的纬度分别是____和____;a地的正午太阳高度角是____。(4)若图中c地位于非洲大陆东岸,则c地属于____气候,请说明其形成原因。[答案](1)B(2)c ab(3)70°S 20°N 20°(4)
Test sites: the speed of the Earth’s rotation and midday sun altitude 1. In the following figure, the abscissa indicates the Earth’s rotation speed and the ordinate indicates the midday sun altitude at a certain day in four locations of different latitudes. Picture stories answer the following questions. (1) The order of a, b, c and d 4 from high to low is Aa-bcd Ba-bd-cC.dcab De-dba A place, the year round the clock is ____, may be a day or night it is ____. (3) If at this time the Earth is located near the far point, the latitudes of b and d in the map are ____ and ____ respectively; and the midday sun altitude at a is ____. (4) If map c is located on the east coast of the African continent, then c belongs to ____ climate, please explain why it is formed. [Answer] (1) B (2) c ab (3) 70 ° S 20 ° N 20 ° (4)