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  1. The introduction of Agatha Christie
  Agatha Christie was born in Torquey, South West England in 1890 and died in 1976. She is best known for her 66 detective novels and 14 short story collections. Her books have sold over a billion copies in the English language and a billion translation. Agatha Christie is the best-selling novelist of all time and she is known as the “Queen of Mystery”.
  2.The content of this book
  This book tells us about her childhood, her two marriages through two World Wars and her experiences both as a writer and an archaeologist. She also wrote down her passion of her career and her feelings about her abundant life.
  3. My reaction of this book
  3.1 My first impression
  My first impression of this book is Agatha’s detailed words. A large amount of details were recorded. When I was reading, I felt like I was chatting with a passionate friend and I could imagine the scenes through her vivid words. I think Agatha’s excellent observation ability led to her dramatic novels. She explored many exciting moments which were often ignored by ordinary people and these moments became the inspirations of her works.
  3.2 Agatha’s childhood
  In my opinion, the chapters of her childhood are the most fascinating parts. Agatha led a free, lively life at her early age. She didn’t go to school and she was educated by her mother and a governess for her parents didn’t hope their child has to suffer the limitations.They taught her through games, stories and travels and they encouraged her to enjoy the pleasure of books and nature. She had lots of creative ideas when she was a young child.Her childhood imagines were reserved until she grew up. Her unlimited, adventurous characters can be seen in her novels.Nowadays many parents are strict with their kids. They don’t give the young enough space to develop their own spirits.
  3.3 Victorian age
  Agatha’s early life was deeply affected by the features of Victorian age. On one hand, she could appreciate the elegant arts such as music, dance and drama. At that time, young people of middle class had good tastes in arts and they didn’t worry about their financial conditions. On the other hand, people had to follow a series of tedious rules, especially women. They must have proper manners. The ladies were expected to get married early and become good mothers.
  3.4 Agatha’s independence
  Agatha was brave enough to make a breakthrough. During the World War l, she became a nurse to take care of wounded soldiers. She prepared for her examination to work as a commercial chemist. When she had marital problems, she got divorced without any hesitations.   It was rare for women to find a job and get divorced. As she once said: “it was true that in those days employment for women was in short supply. Women were daughters to be supported, or wives to be supported. They could be companions to old ladies or they could go as nursery governesses to children.” Most of the women at that time were lack of the awareness to be individuals. However, Agatha’s advanced awareness made her get rid of the limitations of the times.In modern society, many women are still suffering discriminations from their career life. Their rights are still being infringed. Women must be fight for their rights courageously to seek better life and more freedom.
  3.5 Agatha’s life
  Agatha’s own life was as splendid as her novels. Her fine, sensitive minds helped her find the enjoyment from arts. Agatha was also a traveller andarchaeologist. In the eyes of Agatha,“Going around the world was one of the most exciting things that ever happened to me”. The magnificent buildings, historical interests and natural landscapes made her find a wider world.
  3.6 Times are changing
  This book is not only an autobiography of Agatha Christie but also a biography of different times in Europe. In the twentieth century, two World Wars destroyed many traditions. The Europe became more modern, citizen’s life became convenient because of the development of industry and the construction of fundamental facilities. Agatha was very lucky because she lived in the twentieth century. Although two World Wars were cruel and destroyed peaceful life, she experienced enormous changes that people had never experienced before. Her abundant experiences made her novels realistic and attractive.
  3.7 The theme of Agatha Christie’s autography
  What is the main idea of her autobiography? From this book, I can feel her dynamic personality. Her intelligence, humorous and brevity are her most charming features. In the foreword, she said,“I like living. I have sometimes been wildly despairing, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.” These words reflect the main idea and her optimistic attitude towards life.
  No matter how difficult our life will be, we must enjoy the process of overcoming the difficulties and explore joyful things for life is beautiful. We need to remember:To be alive is a grand thing.
【摘要】作文教学是小学英语教学的难点,英语作文写作的过程就是对某个话题或者是主题进行思考并且组织语言的过程,因此思维导图能够在英语作文教学中发挥重要的作用。思维导图在小学高年级英语作文教学中的应用不仅能够提高作文教学的效率,而且还能够突出学生的思维过程,切实提升学生的写作能力。基于此,本文对小学高年级英语作文教学中思维导图的应用进行了分析和探究。  【关键词】思维导图;小学英语;高年级;作文能力 
【摘要】绘本是一种英语教学的方式,主要的适用对象是小学生。立足于小学生喜欢色彩鲜艳明丽以及对新鲜事物感兴趣的天性,把英语和绘本相结合,既体现了英语语言学习的严谨,又不失绘画的轻松可爱。使学生在一种轻松愉快的情境中去理解和学习,其实语言的学习本就没有什么窍门,试着去读去说,帮助学生在这样的一种开放性的语言环境之下学习。  【关键词】小学;英语;绘本  【作者简介】刘峰,山东省青岛李村小学。  随着我
【摘要】本文结合地方高校转型背景下的现实诉求,探讨高校英语教师专业发展的路径,以解决高校转型背景下高校英语教师专业发展,适应转型后的英语教学,并提出了对策和建议,具有重要的理论和现实意义  【关键词】地方本科高校;转型发展;高校英语教师;专业发展路径  【作者简介】 吕红红,陇东学院。  一、转型背景下,高校英语教师专业发展的动因分析  地方本科院校转型发展是是适应国家整体发展,满足地方经济发展的
【摘要】通过测试和问卷调查,发现山区技校生英语学习存在基础薄弱、兴趣不高、信心不足、习惯不好等问题,提出“三举措”“四化原则”和新媒体助力的策略,帮助学生改变山区技校生当前的英语学习状况,提高英语课堂的教学质量。  【关键词】山区技校生;英语学习;教学方法  【作者简介】叶丽辉,河源技师学院。  在全球化的发展下,英文随处可见,社会对技能人才的英语水平也有所提高,虽然简单的ABC字母已经深入每个学
【摘要】初中英语课堂教学提倡任务型的语言教学模式,倡导学生采用自主探究、善于合作的学习方式。教学中,教师要从学生的实际情况出发,以人为本,精心设计任务,优化小组的结合,引入竞争机制,适当的激励,合理的评价,充分调动学生的积极性和主动性,引导学生参与任务型学习,建立自信,让学生在共同协作的同时完成学习任务,鼓励学生课后进行合作,拓展学习任务。  【关键词】和谐互助学习;任务型语言教学  【作者简介】
【摘要】英文歌曲对提升初中学生英语学习效率具有重要作用,英文歌曲具有丰富的意境和内容,既能增加学生英语基础知识学习,营造良好的英语学习氛围,又能够激发学生英语学习兴趣,为此本文对英语歌曲的学习理论基础进行研究,指出英文歌曲对学生英语学习的帮助。  【关键词】英文歌曲;英语学习;指导作用  【作者简介】雷春英,武汉市第十三中学。  英语是初中一门重要的课程,一些学生认为英语学习尤为吃力,究其原因在于
【摘要】本文总结分析了目前国内双语教学研究发展的趋势,讨论了双语教学的利弊,方便读者理解双语教学的现状。  【关键词】双语教学;优势劣势;发展状况  【作者简介】周露曼(1992-),女,汉族,四川成都人,四川大学锦江学院,助教,硕士研究生,研究方向:双语教学,双语教育,语言教育与学习,二语习得等。  随着全球化的普及,中国加入世界贸易组织和开展了一带一路后,在进行国际商务、旅游、教育等方面,英语
【摘要】“互联网 ”背景下,基于“互联网 教育”融合视角探索高院校教育改革路径已成为当前的热门研究课题。本文在简述互联网 、混合式教学等内涵的基础上,以电气工程系为例,结合电气工程系的专业特色,通过“有效课堂认证”对混合式教学在高职英语课堂教学中的应用效果进行分析,客观地评价这种教学模式下的教学质量,帮助其诊断问题,促进电气工程系教学的进一步改进,促进高职英语课堂教学的有效提升。  【关键词】互联
一、对分课堂的理解  2019年10月10日下午,香洲区教师发展中心周新桥主任莅临我校作了“对分课堂”的讲座,我校教师掀起了一股“对分课堂”的学习热潮。  周新桥主任首先结合当今教学现状以及两大基本教学模式——讲授法和合作学习法的对比入手,深入浅出地向老师们介绍了为什么提出对分课堂。  周主任还详细地介绍了对分课堂的含义及操作。对分课堂是张学新教授提出的,这是一种新型的教学模式,这一模式主张把课堂
【摘要】在基础英语课程中,教师可以通过英语绘本的使用,提高学生对英语的兴趣,激发小学生学习英语的热情。本文主要就英语绘本在教学过程中的优势和其在英语教学过程中存在的问题进行分析探讨。  【关键词】新课程改革;英文绘本;小学英语  【作者简介】吴静瑶,苏州市枫桥中心小学。  《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》对英语学习能力提出了明确要求,即小学生必须能够达到理解和阅读简单故事的目标。为了实现教