英国国家医疗服务体系(National health service,NHS)是典型的全民福利型医疗体制模式。自1948年建立以来,逐渐发展成为世界上最大的公立医疗服务体系。其核心价值及原则是提供全面可及的、基于患者需求而不是其支付能力的免费的医疗服务。NHS是英国国家形象的代表,是英国对世界的一大贡献。笔者所在进修的格鲁斯特郡医院(Gloucestershire hospitals)也是NHS公立综合性医院,为英国西南地
The National Health Service (NHS) is a model of a universal welfare health system. Since its establishment in 1948, it has gradually developed into the largest public medical service system in the world. Its core values and principles are to provide fully accessible free medical services based on patient needs rather than their ability to pay. NHS is the representative of the British national image, is the British contribution to the world. The Gloucestershire hospitals where I studied are also NHS public general hospitals,