近年来,由于有机氯、有机磷对环境的污染以及害虫抗药性的增长,促进了人们对昆虫生态生理及其激素作用的研究,并开始将已确认的昆虫激素应用于农林牧付各业。在这方面,棉花红铃虫的防治用的性引诱剂,经反复研究,已确定其分子结构,其合成品——高斯(棉红铃虫诱)及其类似物海克(己诱)在国外大田试验中已获肯定成效.海克合成物按传统方法制取,原料不易取得。我们改以 Wittig 反应为主的合成路线进行合成,不仅原料易得,而且 Wittig 反应合成路线除用于海克合成外,还可作合成其他具有特定构型双键的长链脂肪酸、醇的基础。
In recent years, due to the pollution of organochlorine and organic phosphorus to the environment and the increase of pest resistance, people are encouraged to study the ecological and physiological functions of insects and their hormones, and begin to apply confirmed insect hormones to agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and other industries. In this regard, the sex attractant used to control cotton bollworm, after repeated studies, has identified its molecular structure, and its synthetic products - Gaussian (cotton bollworm lure) and its analogues Field trials abroad have been positive results. Heck composite prepared by traditional methods, raw materials not easy to obtain. We have to Wittig reaction-based synthetic route synthesis, not only raw materials readily available, and Wittig reaction synthesis route used in addition to the Heike synthesis, but also for the synthesis of other double bonds with specific configuration long-chain fatty acids, alcohol basis.