轮式装甲车辆一直是装甲兵 乃至陆军武器装备的重要组成部 分。冷战结束以后,轮式装甲车辆 的发展受到各国的重视。进入21 世纪后,随着美国陆军轮式化过 渡型步兵战斗旅的建立及2131辆 “斯特赖克”轮式装甲车采购计划 的实施,轮式装甲车辆的发展和 运用成了世界各国极为关注的一 大热点。从作战需求、技术便利 性、装备体系的变化等诸方面来 看,装甲车辆正在朝着轮式化的 方面发展,轮式装甲车辆的发展 东风正劲。
Wheeled armored vehicles have been an important part of armor and even the Army’s weaponry. After the end of the Cold War, the development of wheeled armored vehicles has drawn the attention of all countries. In the 21st century, with the establishment of the U.S. Army’s wheeled transitional infantry fighting brigade and the implementation of the purchase plan of 2131 Stryker wheeled armored vehicles, the development and application of wheeled armored vehicles has become a worldwide issue Extremely concerned about a major hot spot. In terms of operational requirements, technical convenience and changes in equipment systems, armored vehicles are being developed in the area of wheeled vehicles. The development of wheeled armored vehicles has been very successful.