残忍并非勇敢,对手无寸铁的人下毒手是多麽卑怯的行为!纳粹法西斯的奥斯威辛集中营留下了可耻的记录,沾污了人类的历史。但是第二次世界大战结束还不过这麽短短的几年,美国帝国主义军队又走着希特勒的老路,把巨济岛、济州岛等地变成了集体屠杀赤手空拳的被俘人员的杀戮场。听了回到祖国怀抱的朝中被俘人员的报告,人们的心中发生这样的问题:美国侵略军是不是还有一丝一毫的人性? 单说杀人的方法吧,美国侵略军在战俘营中就用了这么多的骇人听闻的方法:一、剜心割肉;
How brutal is not bravery, how cowardly it is to poison an unarmed person! Auschwitz, a Nazi fascist camp, has left shameful records that pollute the history of mankind. However, only a few short years after the end of the Second World War, the U.S. imperialist armed forces followed the path of Hitler and turned Geoje Island and Jeju Island into the massacre killings of unarmed captured individuals . After listening to reports of detained North Korean prisoners returning to the embrace of their motherland, people have the following question in their hearts: Is there any slightest humanity in the U.S. invading army? Simply speaking about the murderous method, the U.S. invading army will use it in camps of prisoners of war So many appalling ways: First, 剜 heart flesh;