XMC4000是英飞凌公司发布的基于ARM Cortex-M4内核的32位单片机,其设计目的是为了填补16位的XE166系列与32位的TriCore系列之间的性能空白。XMC4000具有DSP和浮点运算单元,22ns读取时间和错码校验(ECC)的快速Flash、大容量SRAM和扩展外设功能。其外设也非常丰富,包括了定时器模块、多达4个并联12位模数转换器、多达两个12位数模转换器。最大的亮点是通信通道可利用软件可分别配置为UART、SPI、Quad SPI、IIC、IIS或LIN。
The XMC4000 is a 32-bit microcontroller based on the ARM Cortex-M4 core released by Infineon and designed to fill the performance gap between the 16-bit XE166 family and the 32-bit TriCore family. The XMC4000 features DSPs and floating-point units, a fast Flash of 22ns read time and error-checking (ECC), high-capacity SRAM and extended peripheral functions. Its peripherals are also very rich, including the timer module, up to 4 parallel 12-bit analog-to-digital converter, up to two 12-bit digital-to-analog converter. The biggest highlight is the communication channels available software can be configured as UART, SPI, Quad SPI, IIC, IIS or LIN.