西 安美术 学院成教 学院成立于 1989年3月,是西 北地区唯一的一所成 人高等美术教育学府。它 依托于西安美术学院雄厚的学 术水平与教育资源,以“团结、 尚德、求实、创新”为校训,以“四 个面向”全面贯彻素质教育,培养“四有”新人为教育指导思想。努力改善办学环境,扩大办学规模,提高办学效益与办学质量。开设专业有:中国画、油画、装潢设计、环境艺术设计、美术学、服装设计、摄影等专业。在校学生1100人,学生来自全国20多个
Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts Adult Education Institute was established in March 1989 and is the only adult higher art education institution in the northwest. It relies on the abundant academic and educational resources of Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts, takes the motto of “unity, virtue, truth-seeking and innovation” as the school motto, comprehensively implements quality education with “four orientations”, and cultivates “four haves” newcomers as educational guiding ideology. Strive to improve the environment for running schools, expand the scale of running schools, and improve the efficiency of running schools and the quality of running schools. Opened professional: Chinese painting, oil painting, decoration design, environmental art design, art, fashion design, photography and other professionals. 1,100 students in school, more than 20 students from across the country