聚氯乙烯:由于买卖双方很难在价格概念上取得一致,因此目前10月份货的交易谈判陷入僵局。据报道,日本生产商们坚持其10月份货的报价水平在USD700/MT CIF香港水平或略高于此价位,这一价格相比其原来的价格概念已略有降低。不过由于中国市场目前下游制成品的出口不畅,因此使得其对聚氯乙烯等原料的需求也较为疲软,另外欧洲市场不景气,使得其生产商对亚洲市场的报价有所增加,再加上泰国国内市场需求不旺使得其生产厂
PVC: Due to the fact that buyers and sellers are hard-pressed to agree on the concept of price, the current October transaction negotiations have been deadlocked. It is reported that Japanese producers insist their October offer prices are at or slightly above the USD700 / MT CIF Hong Kong level, a slight decrease from the original price concept. However, due to the sluggish export of finished products in the downstream market in China, the demand for PVC and other raw materials is also weaker. In addition, the downturn in European markets has caused its manufacturers’ quotations for Asian markets to increase. In addition, Poor demand on the Thai domestic market makes its production plant