武汉水运工程学院主编的科技刊物《港口装卸》 (双月刊)今年二月创刊。读者对象主要是港口科技人员、管理干部、装卸工人、有关院校师生和关心港口建设的人员。《港口装卸》以提高港口生产技术和管理技术,促进我国港口现代化为宗旨,广泛交流国内外港口生产与管理的新成果、新经验,探讨中国式港口现代化的特点和方法。
Wuhan Science and Technology Department of Water Transport Engineering editor of the magazine “Port Handling” (bimonthly) founded in February this year. Readers are mainly port science and technology personnel, management cadres, loading and unloading workers, teachers and students of institutions and people concerned about the construction of the port. “Port Handling” aims to enhance port production technology and management technology and promote port modernization in our country. We should exchange widely new achievements and new experiences in port production and management at home and abroad to discuss the characteristics and methods of port modernization in China.