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  Polar bears may be familiar as the totemic species of climate change, but the fact that they live predominantly on Arctic sea ice means that very few people have the opportunity to see them in the wild.
  A new collaboration between Google and Polar Bears International (PBI) aims to bring a dramatic and up-close polar bear experience into homes and classrooms around the world. The project, launched on International Polar Bear Day, focuses on Churchill, Manitoba, the self-styled "Polar Bear Capital of the World" on the shores of Canada's Hudson Bay.
  Every fall, hundreds of bears gather on the tundra on the outskirts of town, waiting for the bay to freeze so they can set out in search of seals.
  Last year, Google experts visited Churchill during polar bear season and attached a Google Street View "Trekker" on board one of the Tundra Buggies. The buggies are school bus-sized vehicles on monster truck wheels that traverse the tundra allowing scientists and tourists to see (and be seen by) polar bears.
  After 10 days of training from Google, the PBI team spent the season capturing imagery for a Google Street View look at Churchill, the tundra, the sea ice and the bears; as well as being viewable through Google Maps, the imagery can also be accessed via a portal on the PBI website. Imagery includes bears sparring, walking on the nearby sea ice and resting in the snow. And close inspection may even reveal a bear cub or two.
  In addition to exposing the wider world to a close-up view of Churchill and its bears, the imagery will also provide PBI and its scientists with a baseline record "of what everything looked like in October and November of 2013," says Karin Tuxen-Bettman, project manager for Google's work in Canada's Arctic.
  (Source: http://news.discovery.com/animals/endangered-species/polar-bear-habitat-revealed-in-google-street-view-photos-140227.htm)
由于深海采矿和海底拖网捕鱼的威胁不断增加,科学家认为需要签订一份新的国际协定,以约束深海开发。在一个研讨会上的发言者呼吁联合国制定一项新的有关深海保护的协定,弥补《联合国海洋法公约》的不足。  这个研讨会是美国科学促进协会在美国芝加哥举行的一年一度的会议。  国际自然保护联盟公海政策顾问克里斯蒂娜·耶勒说:“这次研讨会使科学家有机会向有权作出改变的人士表达对深海的不断增多的人类影响的关切,深海曾一
莫桑比克蒙德拉内大学研究人员新发表的一份报告显示,莫桑比克非法伐木在过去5年多时间里迅速攀升。这份刊登在联合国粮食和农业组织网站上的报告,评估了木材的生产、消费和出口,发现目前近三分之二的伐木都是非法的。报告指出,伐木速度超过了树木再生的速度,威胁到了工业的长期存在发展,置当地民众的生计于危险之中。  支持该研究的林业专家山姆·劳森估计每年有价值2.5亿美元的木材被非法砍伐,导致国家税收重要来源减
科学家正试图研究理解2013年冬天北半球不寻常的天气——从阿拉斯加州有史以来最热的天气到英国史无前例的洪灾——是否与气候变化有关。不过有一件事是明确的:气流的变化发挥了关键的作用,且随着全球变暖,可能产生的破坏力更强。  2013年冬天北半球的天气整体表现异常。欧洲有史以来最大的风暴;美国加利福尼亚州前所未有的干旱;北极部分地区,包括美国阿拉斯加州和欧洲斯堪的纳维亚半岛从未出现过的高气温;同时也出
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