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视网膜是一层极其复杂的组织,多年来,人们通过光镜和透射电镜观察,对视网膜组织有了比较祥细的认识,随着扫描电镜技术的发展,应用扫描电镜观察视网膜组织细胞三维立体形态,克服了光镜和透射电镜从平面观察的局限性,对进一步观察正常和病理状态下的视网膜组织细胞提供了方便,国内用扫描电镜研究视网膜组织的报道甚少,本文用扫描电镜观察正常人的视网膜内核层结构,结果报道如下。 Retina is a very complex layer of tissue. Over the years, people through the light and transmission electron microscopy, the retinal tissue with a more detailed understanding, with the development of scanning electron microscopy, the application of scanning electron microscopy retinal tissue cells three-dimensional morphology , To overcome the limitations of light and transmission electron microscopy observation from the plane, to further observe the normal and pathological retinal tissue cells provide a convenient domestic research by scanning electron microscopy rarely reported in this paper, scanning electron microscopy of normal people The retinal inner nuclear layer structure, the results reported below.
报告应用穿琥宁、双黄连、黄芪注射液、干扰素、聚肌胞、Sig A、潘生丁、西米替丁、思密达、叶酸、氯丙嗪等治疗婴幼儿轮状病毒肠炎的抗病毒治疗进展 Report application of
河水暴涨、房屋被淹、道路冲毁、灾民逃难……一幕幕景象几成2005年卡特里娜飓风肆虐美国南部新奥尔良地区的重演。 The river was soaring, the houses were flooded, the
本文介绍了目前供给转炉厂、电炉厂铁合金粉末的使用现状,针对使用过程中出现的损失问题提供了有效利用建议,并对可能带来的效益进行了预测。 This paper introduces the pr
近年来 ,小儿厌食症颇为常见。由于长期营养摄入不足 ,既影响生长发育 ,又影响孩子健康。目前 ,对小儿厌食症尚无特效治疗方法。为此 ,将我院诊治的 0~ 7岁 1132例厌食症患儿
先天性心脏病 (先心病 )是小儿时期最常见的心脏病。目前我国每年新出生的婴儿中患先心病者有 10~ 15万。一些患严重和复杂心血管畸形的婴儿如在生后得不到及时诊断和治疗 ,常
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