一种用于加工高精度菲涅尔透镜阴模和阳模的超精密数控立式车床———NJ K0 2 3超精密数控立式车床 ,近期在成都宁江机床集团试制成功。由于菲涅尔模板制造技术的高精度加工要求 ,目前世界上只有日本、德国、丹麦等少数国家生产。而宁江机床集团此次取得的技术成果填补了该机床
An ultra-precision CNC vertical lathe for machining female and male high-precision Fresnel lens molds, the NJ K0 2 3 ultra-precision CNC vertical lathe, was recently successfully trialled at Chengdu Ningjiang Machine Tool Group. Due to the high-precision processing requirements of Fresnel template manufacturing technology, only a few countries such as Japan, Germany and Denmark are currently producing in the world. The Ningjiang Machine Tool Group made the technical achievements made to fill the machine