世界范围内不孕不育人口约占育龄夫妇的15%,无精子症是男性不育症中较为严重的一种类型,占男性不育的10%~20%~([1])。无精子症分为梗阻性无精子症(obstructive azoospermia,OA)和非梗阻性无精子症(non-obstructive azoospermia,NOA)~([2])两种。以往鉴别无精子症类型主要通过睾丸活检、阴囊探查和输精管造影等有创方法,其临床应用受到制约。因此,寻找无创、简便、准确的无精子症分型的诊断方法实属必要。睾丸体积~([3])、血清生殖激素~([4,5])和精浆
Infertility population worldwide accounts for about 15% of couples of childbearing age, azoospermia is a more serious type of male infertility, male infertility accounted for 10% to 20% ~ ([1]). Azoospermia is divided into obstructive azoospermia (OA) and non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA) ~ ([2]). In the past to identify azoospermia mainly through the testes biopsy, scrotal exploration and vas deferens and other invasive methods, its clinical application is subject to constraints. Therefore, it is necessary to find a non-invasive, simple and accurate method for the diagnosis of azoospermia. Testicular volume ~ ([3]), serum reproductive hormone ~ ([4,5]) and seminal plasma