洋金花是一种常用的中药,中医作戒烟用,一些药厂则用为颠茄(Atropa belladonna)的代替品以制造各种制剂。洋金花属茄科Datura属植物的乾花,Datura属内的品种繁多,我国所产的亦有多种,例如赵承嘏氏和陈思义、曹柏年二氏所报告的是由匈牙利移种于上海的Datura strarnonium;Hesse氏及Osada氏所报告的Datura alba Nees……等,其中都含有莨菪鹼(hyoscyamine)和东莨菪鹼(hyoscine)。北京市场所见的洋金花是干燥的筒状全花,形大,花冠是淡棕黄色,附有完整的灰绿色花萼及花梗,花冠内有花蕊,与一般所通称的D.metel相似,但不完全相同,是否为其变种或系新种已请我系生药教研组研究鉴别,确实的品种尚待以后报告。关于洋金花成份的报告根少,Hesse氏曾分析国产D.alba的白花,知含
Yang Jinhua is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine for smoking cessation, some pharmaceutical companies are used as a substitute for belladonna (Atropa belladonna) to produce a variety of preparations. Datura is a dried flower of the genus Datura of the genus Datura of the genus Datura. There are many species within the Datura genus. There are also many species produced in China. For example, Zhao Chengzheng and Chen Siyi, and Cao Bainian II reported that they were transplanted from Hungary to Shanghai. Datura strarnonium; Datura alba Nees et al. reported by Hesse and Osada... all contain hyoscyamine and hyoscine. The golden flowers in Beijing are dry and full-bodied. The corolla is pale brown and yellow, with a complete gray-green flower bud and pedicel. The corolla has a stamen, similar to the commonly known D.metel. However, it is not entirely the same. Whether it is a variant or a new species has been asked to be researched and identified by the Pharmaceutical Research Group. The exact variety is still subject to future reports. There are few reports on the composition of the golden flower. Hesse has analyzed the white flowers of the domestic D.alba.