Structure, Performance, and Application of BiFeO3 Nanomaterials

来源 :纳微快报(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhiyuanxu
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Multiferroic nanomaterials have attracted great interest due to simultaneous two or more properties such as ferroelectricity, ferromagnetism, and ferroelasticity, which can promise a broad application in multifunctional, low-power consumption, environmentally friendly devices. Bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3, BFO) exhibits both (anti)ferromagnetic and ferroelectric properties at room tem-perature. Thus, it has played an increasingly important role in multiferroic system. In this review, we systematically discussed the developments of BFO nanomate-rials including morphology, structures, properties, and potential applications in multiferroic devices with novel functions. Even the opportunities and challenges were all analyzed and summarized. We hope this review can act as an updating and encourage more researchers to push on the development of BFO nanomateri-als in the future.
植物其实是地球上最高效的太阳能收集器,它们几乎能够把捕捉到的太阳光中的每一个光子转化成电子,只是到了合成有机物的环节,植物的能量利用效率有所降低。那么,为什么不考虑用其所长,让植物变成发电厂呢?  美国科学家最近把这个设想变成了现实,他们找到了一种切断光合作用过程的方法,通过控制植物体内的某些蛋白质,能够在植物产生电子,而且还没有合成有机物比如说糖类的时候,就把电子收集起来。植物“发电”的效率相当
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