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北京时间2007年6月23日下午,说过“相声再也死不起了”的侯耀文也走了,享年59岁。这是继洛桑、牛振华、高秀敏、马季之后,又一位突然离世的重量级笑星。前两位死于酒后车祸,后三位死于心源性疾病,死因可谓不同。但是,结果是同样的,都是昨天还让人们看到他们的笑脸,今天便有了他们的讣告!从此以后,人间少了一位能够带给人们快乐的相声表演艺术家,而天堂里却又多了一位笑星。生前给我们带来笑声越多的人,身后留给我们的怀念越多。单以相声界为例,侯宝林、马三立、马季等,他们的去世无不让喜欢相声的人怀念,现在这个行列里又多了侯耀文。面对上述相声人的逐一离去,有人说,他们会在天堂组成一个相声团队。这只是善良的人们美好的想象和祝福,上帝未必真的爱听相声。而一个真正需要我们面对的事实是:大师走了。然斯人虽逝,笑容犹在,现代光电技术记录了他们的点点滴滴。如今电视屏幕上,我们依然能看到赵丽蓉慈祥的微笑、听见高秀敏爽朗的笑声,还有虽干瘦身材的马三立,“逗你玩”起来却是有板有眼!人哭着来到这世间,尽管有人以“笑”为天职,但其死后别人还是要哭的,因为那个以“笑”为天职的人不能再笑也不能带给别人笑了;而且,他们的死,或许就是因为曾经殚精竭虑地想让别人笑。有人说,这是一个笑星匮乏的时代,随着大师们的一个个去世,笑星也越来越少了。但反过来看,这却也是一个笑星云集的时代,除了郭德纲,每年还有无数的笑星大赛、相声大赛、小品大赛,都有无数的人学着赵本山、宋丹丹乃至某某星的模样,到镜头前博笑求荣…… Beijing time on the afternoon of June 23, 2007, said “Comic no longer die ” Hou Yaowen also left, at the age of 59. This is Lausanne, Niu Zhenhua, Gao Xiumin, after Ma Ji, another sudden death heavyweight comedian. The first two died of drunkard car accident, the last three died of cardiogenic disease, the cause of death can be described as different. However, the result is the same. It was yesterday that people were allowed to see their smiling faces. Today, they have their obituary! Since then, there has been a lack of a comic performance artist in the world that can bring happiness to people. In heaven, however, More a joke. The more people who laugh before us, the more memories we leave behind. The single comic sector, for example, Hou Baolin, Ma Sanli, Ma Ji, who died of all people like to comic miss, and now this ranks Hou Yaowen. In the face of the comic people one by one to leave, some people say that they will form a crosstalk team in heaven. This is just the good imagination and blessing of good people. God may not really love to hear comic dialogue. And one fact that really needs us to face is: The Master is gone. However, although Sri Lanka people died, smiling still, modern optical technology recorded their bit by bit. Today, the TV screen, we can still see Zhao Lirong kind smile, I heard Gao Xiumin hearty laughter, as well as the slimming figure Ma Sanli, “teasing you to play,” there is a bright spot! People crying came to this world Although some people use “laugh ” as their duty, but after the death of others still want to cry, because that “to laugh” as a vocation of people can no longer laugh and can not bring others to laugh; and, their death Perhaps it is because once tried to make others laugh. Some people say that this is a lack of laughter star era, with the masters one by one, the laughter is also less and less. But on the other hand, this is also an era of giggling stars. In addition to Guo Degang, there are countless comedian contests, comic dialogue contests and sketch contests each year. Countless people are learning the appearance of Zhao Benshan, Song Dandan and even certain stars. Former Bob smile ... ...
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