炎热的夏天。自制防暑降温饮料,既省钱又方便易得。现选择几款具有清热消暑、养阴止渴功效的处方,供选用。 一、百合绿豆汤 百合,有润肺止咳、清热养阴、补中益气、安神利尿的功效。绿豆,有解暑热、利尿、明目退翳的功效。百合、绿豆同煮食用,为防暑佳饮,可强身健体、明目养容。
Hot summer. Self-prepared summer cooling beverage, both easy and convenient to save money. Now choose several with heat and heat, nourishing thirst effect of prescription, for selection. First, lily green bean soup lily, lungs and cough, heat yin, Bu Zhong Qi, soothe the nerves diuretic effect. Mung bean, hot summer solution, diuretic, eyesight retreat effect. Lily, mung bean cook eat, for sunstroke good drink, can keep fit, eyesight support.