T.Moreau等人调查了巴黎440名未从事镉作业的24-55岁的男性居民,吸烟与血镉、碳氧血红蛋白的情况,结果如表。 秦皇岛港务局卫生防疫站 冯克亮 摘择自《Archives of Environme-ntal Health》VoL.38,No.3,163-167,1983
T. Moreau et al. Investigated the smoking, plasma cadmium, and carboxyhemoglobin status of 440 men aged 24-55 in Paris who were not engaged in cadmium. The results are tabulated below. Feng Keliang of Qinhuangdao Port Authority Health and Epidemic Prevention Station was picked from “Archives of Environme-ntal Health” VoL.38, No.3, 163-167, 1983