In the process of electroanalytical chemistry, when the concentration of the analyte is very low, the sampled data sequence often contains very serious white noise, seriously affecting the detection limit and the output waveform, and also brings difficulties to the further analysis of the voltammetry. Among the many ways to improve the signal-to-noise ratio, the Fourier-based digital processing method has been widely studied and applied. It mainly transforms the time domain measurement into the frequency domain measurement. However, the Fourier method has several insurmountable weaknesses . In recent years, wavelet analysis has gained extensive research and application in engineering and theory. Its main features are: the signal can be directly decomposed according to the frequency, easy to find the time domain representation of the signal frequency domain distribution, this representation method also has the characteristics of time-frequency localization; In addition, in a certain frequency domain range Spectrum) signal, without knowing the original signal, a wavelet base suitable for the characteristics of the curve can be selected so that the described signal can be processed more accurately.