人的睡眠有两个阶段:一个是浅睡期,一个是深唾期。德国汉堡心理学家安格里卡法丝女士指出,幼儿睡眠的质量与时间都会影响其生长发育。有的孩子睡眠不安、易惊、易激怒、情绪不稳,醒后没精神还带着疲倦的样子,稍大一点的孩子会说头晕等。这可能与未能很好地进入深睡状态有关。她还发现,人为地阻断深睡眠和剥夺后半夜的睡眠时间,会使血液中的淋巴细胞数量下降,尤其是杀伤 T 淋巴细胞的数量下降,常可导致幼儿免疫功能减退,极容易感染各种疾病。常见的是睡眠不足,食欲就不好,在游戏及各
There are two stages of human sleep: one is asleep and the other is deep saliva. Angelika Fass, a German psychologist in Hamburg, points out that the quality and timing of early childhood sleep can affect its growth and development. Some children sleep disturbed, easy to panic, irritability, emotional instability, no spirit after waking up with a tired look, a little older children would say dizzy and so on. This may be related to failing to get into deep sleep. She also found that artificially blocking deep sleep and deprivation of sleep time in the middle of the night can result in a decrease in the number of lymphocytes in the blood and in particular a decrease in the number of killer T-lymphocytes that can often lead to diminished immune function in young children, Diseases. Common is lack of sleep, appetite is not good, in the game and each