20世纪 80年代在我国哲学界开展的实践问题的讨论 ,提出了“实践本体论”、“实践唯物主义”、“实践超越论”等不同的观点。这些观点虽不乏深刻与睿智 ,但也不难看出以往对实践问题的研究还存在着缺陷与不足 ,因为这些观点基本上还是局限在传统实践观的基础上 ,将马克思的实践观仅仅归结为生产实践 ,而没有进一步研究马克思实践观变革的内容 ,没有说明马克思实践观同传统实践观的原则区别。马克思的实践观是以人的解放和自由全面发展为核心的实践观 ,是对道德实践观与生产实践观的超越。
In the 1980s, discussions on practical issues carried out by our philosophical circles put forward different views of “practical ontology,” “practical materialism,” and “practical transcendence.” Although these views are not profound and wise, it is not hard to see that there are still some shortcomings and deficiencies in the study of practical problems in the past, because these views are basically still confined to the traditional practice view, and they simply attribute Marx’s practice to production Practice, without further studying the content of the Marxist practice of change, did not explain the difference between Marx’s practice and the concept of traditional practice. Marx’s practice view is a practice view centered on human’s emancipation and free and all-round development, and it is beyond the view of moral practice and production practice.