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与宪法、法律和行政法规不抵触,是制定地方性法规必须遵循的基本原则。但是,对于什么是抵触,如何执行不抵触原则,看法并不尽一致,值得从理论上深入探讨。一、什么情形应视为抵触?一般认为,下述几种情形应视为抵触:(1)宪法、法律、行政法规许可、赋予性规定,地方性法规加以禁止、限制的;(2)宪法、法律、行政法规限制、禁止性规定,地方性法规予以解除的;(3)在宪法、法律、行政法规已有规定以外,创设或扩大处罚权限的;(4)地方性法规规定了应由宪法、法律、行政法规加以规定的内容的。地方性法规若与宪法、法律、行政法规相抵触,既不利于维护国家最高权力机关和最高行政机关的权威,不利于全国法制的统一,也违背了制定地方性法规的宗旨。二、如何执行不抵触原则?执行不抵触原则不意味着地方性法规 And the constitution, laws and administrative regulations do not conflict, is to develop local laws and regulations must follow the basic principles. However, the opinions on what is contradictory and how to implement the principle of non-conflict are not the same, and it is worth to go deep into the theory. First, what circumstances should be regarded as conflict? Generally considered the following situations should be considered as contradictions: (1) the Constitution, laws and administrative regulations permit, given sexual provisions, local laws and regulations to be prohibited or restricted; (2) the Constitution , Laws and administrative regulations, prohibitions and local laws and regulations to be lifted; (3) in the constitution, laws and administrative regulations have been established, or create or extend the authority to punish; (4) local laws and regulations should be Constitution, laws and administrative regulations to provide the content. If local laws and regulations conflict with the constitution, laws and administrative rules and regulations, they will be detrimental not only for safeguarding the authority of the highest state organs and the highest administrative organs but also for the unification of the national legal system as well as for the purpose of formulating local laws and regulations. Second, how to implement the principle of non-conflict? The implementation does not conflict with the principle does not mean that local laws and regulations
我在院子里,观察一只蛹如何变成蝴蝶。  那只蛹咬破了壳,全身湿软地从壳中钻了出来。它的翅膀卷曲皱缩成一团,它站在枝丫上边休息边晒太阳,好像钻出壳已经用了很大的力气。  它慢慢地、慢慢地伸直翅膀,飞了起来。  它在空中盘旋了一下子,很快找寻到一朵花。它停在花上,专注、忘情地吸着花蜜。  我感到非常吃惊,这只蝴蝶从来没有被教过怎么飞翔,从来没有学习过如何去吸花蜜,没有爸爸妈妈教过它,这些都是它的第一次
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10月22日阴转晴残竹飘翻,秋叶枯转,何处偏逢杨柳岸。目畔厚雾如云烟,广厦万间其中站。朝日始出,号角吹赞,光芒微洒灯未暗。十年过后话英雄,气冲斗牛心犹酣。 On October 22t
9月21日 晴    生活中有两种人,一种人背负着巨大的压力,茫然地工作,他们一直用冷漠的眼神看世界、用冷酷的面孔待他人、用无所谓的态度对生活,最终身心俱疲,就像是一张被拉满的弓,想要放松却找不到合适的出口。只有期待假日,因为在假日中,他们才会感受到空气是那样新鲜、临街的叫卖声是那样轻快悦耳、孩童的笑脸是那样纯真可爱——于是他们终于想起去笑,奋力去扬起那僵硬的嘴角。节日成了他们难得一遇的一展笑颜的