1988年9月14日,在中南海怀仁堂,人民解放军17位高级指挥员被授予上将军衔。这一庄严时刻,标志着我军实行新的军衔制的开始。 随着全军另有千余名高级指挥员陆续被授予,中将、少将军衔,我军已经寂寥了23年的军衔天幕上,更显得将星灿烂。 这次被授予上将军衔的洪学智在33年前第一次授衔时,就从周恩来总理手中接过了上将衔。那时他才42岁。 这次被授予上将的其他16人,是中央军委
On September 14, 1988, 17 senior commanders of the People’s Liberation Army were awarded the rank of general in Huai Ren Tang, Zhongnanhai. This solemn moment marks the beginning of a new military rank system for our army. As the army more than a thousand other high-level commanders have been awarded, Lieutenant General, Major-General rank, our military has been lonely for 23 years on the canopy of the rank, even more starry. The Honorable Hung Hsueh-chih, who was awarded the rank of lieutenant general, took over his rank as Premier from Premier Zhou Enlai when he first gave his title 33 years ago. At that time he was 42 years old. This time the other 16 people who were granted the rank of general are the Central Military Commission